Wednesday 7 September 2016

Finding the Real King Arthur part five

Snowdon Brooding copyright Susan Morrison Jones


Take a good long look at the top of it.
Does that strike you as natural?
that is an honest to god’s pyramid is it not?

I have NO idea if anyone ever tried looking into the old mountain range known as the Dragons Bones lies.

'These days we use the English word Snowdon for the King mountain but in those days the old grey mountain was named Y Wyddfa in English that is The Tumulus and in Welsh it means ‘grave mound’ it is a description of a pile of stones placed in a pyramid style over a grave of importance. And before it was Wyddfa it was probably simply known as Merthyr (a burial place) or maybe Garth which is part of several mountain names or as some would have it ‘the place where eagles live’ which is simply Eryrod Nyth the eagles nest...whatever it was known as its current name is Snowdon and in those times it was Wyddfa.'

So IF as can be supposed Wyddfa is the old name it is actually calling Snowdon a Grave Mound, for someone of extreme importance, who? not a clue, pre dates Arth and Vortigern (even though Vortigerns’ bones have never been found). But oh how wonderful if what was on top of Snowdon was a burial mound of some great King...... but then that would mean lots of archaeological investigations and money is tight and even if they found something of real importance for the Welsh would all get carted off to London, it usually does. Which by the way is a real grouch amongst the Welsh, half their artefacts are not in Wales at all...end of mini rant.

However, Arth is also an issue with names. Y Arth and Arth Aur are the names commonly attributed to him.
Descriptions refer to him being Big, Strong, Golden, some liken him to a Lion some to a Bear but all make reference to his great size. Possibly Arth was a Gangani and then we have to look at the references made to a tribe of peoples who were Golden Haired, tall, striking looking.

Was Arth Blonde? is that why Arth Aur the Bear Golden was his given name?

Son of Prince Eurthur (oothur or Uther)

The lazy English tongue and the resident Roman soldiers are recorded as mostly Italian or French at that time in that area would have slid the two names together. Welsh introductions can be notoriously long even now.
The Arth, Gold, son of Prince Eurthur, pride of his tribe is a pretty big mouth full even in English.
In Welsh it is tortuous for the unwary tongue: -

Mae'r Arth Aur mab Tywysog Eurthur, balchder ei lwyth

and even the fact no such writing or spelling was used in those far off days...just reading it now makes my teeth ache. Myer Ath oor mab twsoc oothur balkkder ee lwith sorting out the sibilant and harsher sounds ...nightmare stuff for the uninitiated.

I honestly believe that the local Romans and many English would be lazy and simply put Arth and Aur together and call the man Arthur.

I can make some really cheeky assumptions about other names too one of them is the mysterious Merlin.

but for now I am happy to settle that once I had made my mind up that Arth was in fact the real Arthur of old legends...I could continue the trail.

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