Monday 12 September 2016

Finding the Real King Arthur part eight

The glen copyright SusanMorrisonJones

Holy, Extraordinary and Prominent places: -

well by now you know I am looking into the phonetic spelling of Welsh words. I looked for this under every conceivable break down, Cam Caem Camm Ca Cama and variations thereof and discovered a possible: -
Not from welsh to English translations but through the old meanings of names.

Caem is the word in welsh names for FORT Mael is the welsh word used for PRINCE and Lodd or 'awdd'(double d being T ) being part of a word for eloquent...possible the eloquent Princes Fort remembering that Camelot is supposedly Arthurs Castle and built in the fairest of places which would be Gwynedd as far as the (then) Welsh would believe due to the presence of the holy islands the power bases for the three most powerful sects of Druids, the fairness of produce from Mona and the presence of Vortigerns previous dominance and Uther’s powerful ruler ship. The mountains the lakes all would provide a belief in the land being the most beautiful of Welsh countryside, challenged only by the Lake District (also at that time part of Wales). Of course that’s such a nice easy fit in a way, too easy so I kept digging.
so many forts the Tre'r with its giant walls, some reaching 13 foot and built in stone...the Fadryn which is a possible only because I thought perhaps Fydd dryn (fadryn) which means interfaith...a possibility as Christian and Pagan combined under Arths banner. Of course the jury is still out and the research continues.

Bardsey Island

The Llyn (Lleyn) Peninsula’s importance.

Historically, the peninsula was used by pilgrims en route to Bardsey Island (Welsh: Ynys Enlli),
Y Enlli in a literal translation means The Island...Bards is (I believe) an English inclusion to describe the islands purpose. When Ynys is used in this modern day it is to state Bardsey Island which is modern welsh, I have no ancient welsh text to compare but I do know the lazy foreign tongues would not have coped with Y ynys beirdd sanctaidd.

Putting- Bards Sea Island- together into Bardsea Island becomes the lazy way and Bardsey Island is suddenly our modern counterpart. The island where Bards went to study, relax, recover and meet. The special importance of the island was built upon after Rome’s' invasion and the introduction of Christianity and as a result many considered a pilgrimage to Bards Island as good as going to Rome itself.


Môn is the Welsh name of Anglesey.

Recorded by the Romans as Mona; it is the Mona of Tacitus (Ann. xiv. 29, Agr. xiv. 18), Pliny the Elder (iv. 16) and Dio Cassius (62).

Giraldus Cambrensis calls it Môn Mam Cymru ("Môn, Mother of Wales") by,

Other old Welsh names are Ynys Dywyll ("Dark Isle"),

Ynys y Cedairn (cedyrn or kedyrn; "Isle of brave folk").

Clas Merddin, and Y fêl Ynys (honey isle) are other names.

The English name Anglesey is in fact derived from the Old Norse, meaning 'Ongull's Island'. Possibly (stretching it a bit) this is also a shortening of another name Owen (meaning Noble Warrior) and Gwylan which means Seagull or Gull....a name for someone famous in his day from the Mother of Wales, a noble warrior Owen Gwylan....Ongull.... it’s a possible.

As the Bards had a sacred island so did the Druids. Anglesey was their sacred island. A place held to be special, fertile and almost flat, this island was supposed to be capable of growing enough food at any one time to feed the whole of Wales (though if honesty was to be the first call, most probably it refers to that specific part of wales including Gwyness, a sizeable portion of the lands.

The Romans famously slaughtered a great many druids on the island, so afraid of the gathered men of great renown and their acolytes that it was only by betrayal that the Roman soldiers found a way to storm the beaches...where upon the Druids in their thousands walked onto the swords and lances of the soldiers screaming imprecations, curses and threats to their dying breath. The fall of Rome would be ensured by their sacrifice.

Sadly, Vate is not a welsh word, it is a shortening of the Irish Ovate, an English word for prophet. The welsh word for prophet not even close to Vate and I felt a little lost trying to find their holy island because the other two streams from the Druid class had one apiece and I could not believe that the Vate would not also have something similar.

Strabo, Geography, 4.4.4
As a rule, among all the Gallic peoples three sets of men are honoured above all others: The Bards, the vates, and the Druids. The bards are singers and poets, the vates overseers of sacred rites and philosophers of nature, and the Druids, besides being natural philosophers, practice moral philosophy as well. They are considered to be the most just and therefore are entrusted with settling both private and public disputes, so that in earlier times they even arbitrated wars and could keep those intending to draw themselves up for battle from so doing and it was to these men most of all that cases involving murder had been entrusted for adjudication. And whenever there is a big yield from these cases, they believe that there will come a yield from the land too. Both these men and others aver that and the universe are imperishable, although both fire and water will at sometimes prevail over them.

Diodorus Siculus, ¶31

(n part). They also make use of seers, who are greatly respected. These seers, having great authority, use auguries and sacrifices to foresee the future. When seeking knowledge of great importance, they use a strange and unbelievable method: they choose a person for death and stab him or her in the chest above the diaphragm. By the convulsion of the victim's limbs and spurting of blood, they foretell the future, trusting in this ancient method. They do not sacrifice or ask favours from the Gods without a Druid present, as they believe sacrifice should be made only by those supposedly skilled in divine communication. Not only during peacetime but also in war, the Gauls obey with great care these Druids and singing poets, both friend and enemy alike. Often when two armies have come together with swords drawn these men have stepped between the battle-lines and stopped the conflict, as if they held wild animals spell-bound. Thus even among most brutal barbarian’s angry passion yields to wisdom and Ares stands in awe of the Muses.
 All I could find which with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge stretch of imagination 'might' fit the bill is the famous Holyhead.
 To the Romans, it was Sacrum Promentarium, which translates exactly as Holyhead. It is believed the name originally referred to the mountain which dominates this part of Anglesey. Note that Holyhead is always pronounced Hollyhead. I would wish to state here I have no proof (again) only that this was a very famous site indeed prior to any Christian Saints it was a place of learning. What better place to hold a sacred island and name it for the Vate, people whose heads contained such diverse skills and knowledges.

Never the less I truly believe the Vate or Ovate would have had their own special Island, it would have had some connection and closeness to Anglesey and Bardsey Islands. With the number 3 so sacred to Druids it is genuinely inconceivable that they would stop at 2 sacred Isles when 3 would be the sacred of all energies and true to their shamanic calling.

Well that’s enough for now, too much imagining and not enough research by half, but I am now heading towards the Isle of Avallon and that will be 3 x 3 chapter or part 9 of my journey.

So many very erudite people who may have read this page, are by now up in arms......good.
You can think I am an uneducated brat poking her nose into places she has no right to go think it through from an uneducated person’s viewpoint.

I am not trying to be the finest scholar, I think, and I think like an ordinary person, who follows thoughts to a conclusion, rightly or wrongly. I haven't cherry picked, so much as tried to find...not quite the same thing.

I hold to the arbitrary nature of the usurpers, the dominant despots and pillaging armies, the religious and historical accounts.

I believe genuinely that the true Arth was Welsh, did genuinely live, was a real person, whose exploits and capabilities have been deliberately removed.

Rather like the removal of royal figureheads in Egypt for political reasons.

 I believe the Romans and the English feared the Welsh, feared their loyalty to their own Draig and feared the Welsh would rise up and take back their country.

The only leader capable  (then) of inspiring the people was Draig Arth he of the golden, the bear, the warrior, the giant whose eloquence and skill at battle was the pride and the glory of his people...I think 'they' wiped him out and I believe it was deliberate and that the arbitrary use of English and Latin to spell a complex language , deliberately altering, mocking, undermining the truth was perhaps one of the cleverest and one of the most evil conniving actions of the ruling mob at that time.

right.... rant over...Avalon...I'm off to get my notes on that fair place and decide which bits to write first 9...coming up.

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